Abra Ka Dabra

By Korifaeus

Today just a little something to ponder about, for those who enjoy phoneticisms, play on words, and get a kick out of mistranslations, especially when they suddenly become very obvious.

Here are some words from different languages:

Notre Dame

Nostra Damus

A Braka Dabra

Ma Donna

Barucha to a Donai

Bruja tu a donna

Blessed be our Lady

Happy New Year,

Sincerely yours,



By ™Korifaeus  alias Leagan Erdurtag Kasper

Most every story regarding history is but a theory.
We believe much of what we read because it’s printed in a book, which, to us, gives it some sort of authority.

But a book is but a work written by men wondering what may’ve occurred after having reviewed paintings, documents and artifacts, those of the past have left behind for us to wonder about.

Writers were, in the old days, in the education business, teaching knowledge by way of entertainment. Wisdom was written allegorically in form of a novel, a poem, even in verse melodically sung by a bard.

Few people could read and write in the days when books or bound essays were first published and prior to literature there were paintings. Paintings telling stories.

Sign language (speaking with hand signs ) is one of the oldest forms of communication, since people communicated via sign language way before they could speak; the human tongue had not yet developed into a tongue capable of forming sounds, combining consonants and vowels. Though vowels, formerly known as howls, existed in the days when humans communicated using hand signs.

All the great paintings of the past were understood by those communicating via ancient hand signs and pictionary (i.e., communicating science and knowledge through art). And each of the paintings tells a story of the past, revealing ancient wisdom.

Sadly though, much of the art, writings and poetry have been misinterpreted, due to human error, and words as simple as the latin word Virtuvius, as in the Vitruvian man, have been spelled incorrectly.

For is it not obvious that the correct spelling is Virtuvius, with the letter R in front of the T instead of behind it, so to indicate Virtuvius was a “virtuous” man?

Little spelling errors, such as the one above, changed entire stories until they became utterly unrecognizable even to those very familiar with them, due to translations that followed. Ancient latin words, used in old texts, weren’t always taken into consideration either, which slightly differs from classic or modern Latin.

The word Monealis, for example, an old Latin word meaning NUN, must have been misread until the name of one of the most famous paintings of all time became Mona Lisa. However, the painting called Mona Lisa many wonder about, is not the Monealis, also called La Giaconda, which is derived from an old latin word meaning, a female joker, a jokestress. Thus Giaconda could be translated into ” Happy woman”

The painting now believed to be of the Happy Woman, who incidentally was a Nun, is that of someone very different, i rather not say, for it is somewhat of a practical joke.

The actual Monealis, painted during the Renaissance, showed a happy female baring a brought smile exposing her teeth. One of the reasons as to why it was exchanged was to protect the painting from those who may misinterpret it, due to her eyes.

The eyes of the original painting look at first glance as those of a cat, and some unfamiliar with the painting, it’s meaning and the story behind it, as well as the story of the Happy Woman, interpreted it, sadly, as the picture of the devil.

However, the pupils only ” appeared” as though they were slit pupils as those of a cat. When getting closer to the painting one could clearly see it’s just an optical illusion because of the way her eyeball was formed. Thus when the light hit her iris in a certain angle, it looked as though she had slit pupils as those of a cat, which was not the case at all.

The reason as to why her eyeballs changed was due to her suffering and the tears she shed, yet never complained, nor sobbed in public, known only as a happy woman, so no one would have to suffer her pain, if ever they knew her story.

Not to scare the public, and most importantly, have no one misinterpret a painting of a woman who was anything but the devil, the painting was exchanged for a different one.

On this site we’ll tell the true story of the one called Monealis, La Giaconda; one of the saddest stories ever told, revealing also some of the hidden meanings within some of the words found in ancient texts, paintings, sculptures and mythologies.

With best regards,


Ps: When unfamiliar with different letters, one can easily mistake a letter with another letter. The Coca Cola logo, for example, was read ” Coca Cola”. Though it actually reads Coca Soda; the word Coca being the latin word for Coal used to make carbonate water; the original Coca Soda (Cola) having been the first company to sell bottles of “carbonated water”.

See how you’d interpret the letters below, if there was no description for the letters.

All and everything on ™Korifaeus’s sites was penned by ©Leagan E. Kespril alias Korifaeus

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